Old Wooden Bridge Marina

1791 Bogie Dr, Big Pine Key, FL 33043

Phone: 305-872-2241             Email address: [email protected]

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Kayak Rentals

We have a complete line of kayaks available at the 
Old Wooden Bridge Resort & Marina

Single Kayak rental $35 for 4 hours. $50.00 for 8 hours

Tandem Kayak rental $45 for 4 hours, $60.00 for 8 hours

each additional hour is $5

3 hour Creek Tour $ 75.00 per person pus tax

10am & 2pm Daily Reservation Only

Two People in Kayaks on the water Two Kayaks on the Beach One Person in a Kayak on the Beach

Bicycle Rentals

We have a Bicycle Rental available at the 
Old Wooden Bridge Resort & Marina

10am & 2pm Daily Reservation Only

Clip Art of Bicycle

Floating Pad Rentals

Floating Pads Ad

Kayak Nature Tours

Back Country Eco- Tours